Saturday, August 15, 2009



Baru dapat berita mengenai Dr. Lo' Lo' yang menjalani pembedahan. Didoakan supaya cepat sembut.

Berkebetulan sama sehari dengan berita Asri kumpulan Rabbani.

Kemudian Malaysia Wave pula dapat liputan besar. Berita sensasinya di sini. Barulah dapat berita.

Friday, August 14, 2009



Laporan inquest melaporkan:

SHAH ALAM, Aug 14 — A government pathologist today told the coroner's court that 30-year-old father-to-be Teoh Beng Hock, who was scheduled to marry his sweetheart the day he was found dead, had most likely committed suicide by jumping out of a window from the 14th floor of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office here.

Dr Khairul Aznam Ibrahim, a senior medical forensic expert at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) in Klang who had carried out the autopsy on Teoh, had been asked to carefully consider the many possible causes of a death from a fall by the lead lawyer from the Attorney General's Chambers, Tan Hock Chuan, before giving his expert opinion.

Earlier, he had given the three most common causes as:

1. homicide: where the victim gets thrown or pushed out of a window from a high place;

2. accidental death: where the victim slips and accidentally plunges down while standing near an open window; and

3. suicide.

Government pathologist Dr. Khairul Aznam Ibrahim opines that Teoh Beng Hock committed suicide. — Picture by Choo Choy May

But in Teoh's case, Dr Khairul said the existing evidence struck out the first theory as there were no clear signs pointing to a struggle before the death, based on the injuries found on the DAP political secretary's body and from the lack of evidence at the window area.

He did not find traces of bloodstains, glass shards or items scattered at the window to point to a struggle.

He especially noted that a pen, which was found in Teoh's shirt when he fell to the ground, would most likely have fallen out if there was a struggle beforehand.

Dr Khairul also dismissed the theory of death by an accidental fall. He explained that a conscious person was unlikely to have slipped and plunged to death while opening the window, even in a sleepy state, because the floor below the window was carpeted.

He added that the injuries sustained would be different too. In Teoh’s case, he said the injuries showed he landed on his feet first, rather than on his head or body.

“In my opinion, the deceased jumped,” he said, after Tan prompted him to give his expert conclusion on the most likely cause of death.

But lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, representing the Teoh family, immediately moved in to punch holes in Dr Khairul's theory that Teoh’s death was a suicide when he took over from Tan.

Gobind: In this case, you said the fall made an impact on the right foot. Now, is that common for a person falling from a high place to land on his feet?

Dr Khairul: I don't know.

The pathologist's reply triggered an outburst from the lawyer, well-known for his fiery temper.

Pushing on, Gobind asked Dr Khairul to demonstrate how Teoh would have likely climbed out of the window to commit suicide.

The medical forensic expert stood up and performed the action and then moved both his hands behind to his back, mimicking gripping the top edge of the window.

Gobind referred him to his action and asked if he had inspected the window for any prints, whether from the shoes or from the hands, based on what he had just shown the court.

Dr Khairul said he had not. He had done a visual check but had not found any signs of hand prints or shoe prints around the 14th-floor window area.

This sent Gobind into another fit.

“You come to this court and tell us your theories you cannot prove. In fact, you didn't do the basic tests to support, isn't it?

“Actually sir, there were no foot prints, no hand prints because forensics told us so. That means your theory is demolished. It's not a case where he jumped!” the lawyer directed loudly at a visibly tense Dr Khairul, who was later seen wiping his face and neck with a damp handkerchief.

Dr Khairul had agreed that there would have been marks near the window if Teoh had stood there to jump, as he demonstrated earlier, but maintained he found no such marks. [Malaysian Insider]

Thursday, August 13, 2009



Ketua kumpulan nasyid Rabbani, Asri Ibrahim, 40, meninggal dunia di Hospital Pantai, Kuala Lumpur kira-kira jam 11 pagi tadi kerana sakit jantung, lapor laman web Berita Harian.

Allahyarham yang juga penyanyi utama kumpulan itu dilaporkan pengsan ketika mengendalikan program Syahadah musim kelima di Angkasapuri, sebelum dikejarkan ke hospital berkenaan.

Semuga Allah mencucurkan rahmat ke atas rohnya. Alfatihah.

Berita tambahan.



A woman looks at a website selling 'burkinis'

French officials have banned a Muslim woman from swimming in a public pool while wearing a swimsuit that covers her entire body.

The woman had swum in July in the pool in Emerainville, east of Paris, in the "burkini" - a loose-fitting garment resembling a wetsuit with a hood.

But staff stopped her from swimming in August, citing hygiene concerns.

It comes as the government examines ways to limit burka use after the president said they reduced dignity.

France is home to Western Europe's largest population of Muslims, with about 5 million living there.

At the pool, staff "reminded [the woman] of the rules that apply in all (public) swimming pools which forbid swimming while clothed," pool management official Daniel Guillaume was quoted by AFP as saying.

The woman was a French convert to Islam, and had bought the swimsuit in Dubai so that she would not have to uncover herself to go swimming.

"Quite simply, this is segregation," she said, according to Le Parisien newspaper, which identified her only as Carole.

"I will fight to try to change things. And if I see that the battle is lost, I cannot rule out leaving France."

Apa mayor bandar tu kata:

Emerainville Mayor Alain Kelyor said "all this has nothing to do with Islam", adding that the swimsuit was "not an Islamic swimsuit" and that "that type of suit does not exist in the Koran".

kat m'sia org mcm mayor ni banyak.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Paling mutakhir ni beberapa ekor TIONG memecah berita negara. Boleh anda namakan tiong tiong tersebut?



Anda ingat lagi pasal smoke screen? setiap kali umno menyebut melayu, ia bermaksud umno. Gantikan setiap kalimah melayu kepada umno.



Menghasut ini adalah satu perbuatan yang salah dari sisi ugama Islam dan juga undang undang negara. menghasut ialah mempengaruhi seseorang untuk mempercayai sesuatu yang tidak benar, ada yang kena hasut itu akhirnya percaya bahawa yang tidak benar itulah kebenaran. Hasutan selalunya berbaur dengan unsur ugutan, rasuah dan jenayah.

UMNO/BN sekarang berada dalam keadaan yang sangat terdesak, sekurang kurangnya ia perlu memenangi pilihanraya kecil (prk) Permatang Pasir. Sekiranya ia terus kalah, maka masa hadapannya adalah sangat gelap.

Dalam keadaan yang terdesak ini, mereka menggunakan apa jua cara, dan kebanyakan cara yang mereka gunakan ada berunsur jenayah dan kemafiaan. Tuduhan terhadap Ketua Pemuda Sosialis DAP (DAPSY), YB Loke Siew Fook adalah satu fitnah yang sengaja dicipta untuk menghasut, dan menerima hasutan tersebut secara bulat bulat ialah orang UMNO sendiri.

Semalam pergerakan pemuda umno Perak mengadakan demonstrasi dihadapan pejabat DAP Perak untuk menyerahkan memoranda membantah apa yang sebenarnya satu fitnah, atau sesuatu tuduhan melulu yang ternyata tidak benar dan bersifat baling batu sembunyi tangan kononnya Loke Siew Fook menghina Islam, Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah serta Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah dalam blognya baru-baru ini.

Memfitnah adalah budaya Melayu kuno yang tidak baik, walaupun diketahui orang Melayu mempunyai unsur budaya yang baik. Tetapi unsur yang jahat inilah yang dipertajam oleh UMNO dan dipergunakan untuk menimbulkan rasa kebencian orang melayu terhadap DAP, terhadap orang Cina, terhadap parti yang mereka labelkan sebagai pembangkang, dan PR.

Mereka berkira kira, sekiranya rasa kebencian ini dapat dikobarkan, dan rasa terhimpit dan rasa masa hadapan orang melayu yang semakin meruncing dan terhakis dapat disemarakkan, maka orang Melayu akan memberikan undi mereka kembali kepada UMNO. Saya ingin ingatkan sekali lagi kepada strategis dan tactician UMNO bahawa pendekatan ini adalah salah. Pendekatan sebegini adalah seperti pedang dua mata. Ia boleh memancung lawan. Ia boleh juga memancung tuan.

Dalam usaha UMNO menggunakan fitnah sebagai satu strategi, ia akan menjauhkan orang melayu yang bersifat analitikal daripada UMNO, ia juga pastinya akan menjarakkan non Melayu jauh daripada memberikan undi kepada BN sejarak jaraknya.

Semakin UMNO mengambil pendekatan ini, semakin laju gelongsor yang mereka alami. Sedangkan kita sendiri pun tahu, kalau ditanya: kenapa UMNO mengambil pendekatan ini?

Kerana ia sedang menggelongsor tanpa boleh dibrek.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



Diberitakan gambar penuh ALBRANGI tanpa sorok sorok akan keluar tidak lama lagi. Teringin juga nak tengok.



UMNO tidak perduli lagi, walau apa pun caranya, undi melayu mestilah dikembalikan kepada mereka. Untuk itu daun isu rasis, anti Islam, anti institusi raja adalah satu satunya senjata yang masih tinggal kepada mereka.

Senjata ini sedang digunakan sepenuhnya sekarang.

Sebahagian orang Melayu akan terpancing dan memberikan undi mereka kepada UMNO. Tetapi generasi baru pengundi Melayu tidak akan terpancing, malah akan membuat gigi UMNO terkancing dengan isu yang mereka semarakkan ini.

Lepas itu anda tahu siapa yang akan terkencing.

Monday, August 10, 2009



Ramai Pemimpin PR peringkat negeri yang masih lagi belum tahu politik mentadbir. Oleh kerana ini adalah penggal pertama mereka memegang kuasa, maka ketajaman mentadbir secara politik masih lagi belum terserlah pada mereka.

Walaupun mereka berdegar degar semasa berceramah dan berucap, namun hakikatnya mereka masih lagi novis dalam hal mentadbir secara politik. Ini termasuklah beberapa pemimpin 2nd ecelon DAP, beberapa pesuruhjaya PAS, dan penjawat dalam parti, beberapa unsur PKR.

Kenovisan mereka, mencapai tahap penonjolan kebebalan yang boleh memendekkan hayat PR.

Sunday, August 9, 2009



Dalam hikayat, orang Melayu digambarkan sering lemah lembut dan berbudi bahasa. Tetapi ada juga sifat keji orang Melayu yang turut juga digambarkan dan diceritakan dalam hikayat lama lama.

Kedua dua sifat terpuji dan terkeji orang Melayu masih kekal sehingga ke hari ini. Tetapi sifat yang terkeji itu lebih mudah ditonjol dan lebih disukai:

UMNO Johor akan menganjurkan perhimpunan besar-besaran dalam waktu terdekat untuk melaungkan perkataan 'pengkhianat' ke atas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim agar ketua pembangkang itu mengambil tindakan saman 'beratus-ratus juta ringgit' terhadap peserta perhimpunan.

Ketua UMNO Bahagian Pulai, Datuk Adam Hamid berkata, pihaknya percaya puluhan ribu ahli UMNO negeri akan menyertai perhimpunan yang dirancang diadakan di Padang Merdeka Batu Pahat.

''Di situ nanti, puluhan ribu orang akan menjerit melaung-laungkan perkataan pengkhianat terhadap Anwar.

''Dan tengoklah dia nak saman berapa ratus juta pula,"