Kecoh Hocus Pocus DUN Perak sekitar tempat speaker
14:47 Siva has been taken out of the Dewan. His seat has been taken away. The Speaker's desk is now vacant.
14:57 Ganesan has taken over the Speaker's seat and he is trying to restore order. But Pakatan Aduns are drowning him out. "It's like a market here now," says an eye-witness.
14:58 They are still drowning out Ganesan.
14:59 About 20 FRU personnel are moving outside to take up positions.
15:03 The FRU personnel are lining up just behind the barbed wire rolled across the junction opposite the State Assembly entrance, their backs facing the building.
15:05 I'm not sure where Siva has been taken.
15:06 Siva is believed to be inside one of the rooms at the Dewan building.
15:08 People are expecting the Raja Muda to emerge in the Dewan soon.
Saya tidak dapat mengagak siapakah orangnya yang telah menceroboh masuk tanpa kebenaran bagi menjayakan usaha rampasan kuasa yang dilakukan BN pada hari ini, demikianlah malangnya sejarah yang dialami oleh rakyat Perak pada hari ini.
Ganesan apabila berada dikerusi Speaker sebentar tadi menggunakan kuasa haramnya untuk mengarahkan ADUN Teja dan Simpang Pulai untuk keluar dari dewan.
Anehnya Bentara dewan yang tidak mengikut arahan Speaker Sivakumar sejak pagi tadi cuba menjalankan tugasnya mengarahkan kedua ADUN PR itu keluar.
Namun arahan itu tidak di patuhi oleh 2 ADUN berkenaan. [Khalil idham]
15:14 Things have quietened down. A wall of officers and other personnel from the State Secetariat is blocking the area near the Speaker's area, probably to prevent anyone else from taking the seat.
15:16 Siva's driver is trying to locate him.
Bagan should lead the global way
4 weeks ago