Friday, August 6, 2010



Semasa saya belajar di Universiti Malaya, pernah seorang kawan memberi tahu bahawa Ungku Aziz marah kalau orang tebang pokok pokok dalam kampus. Saya merasa hairan pada ketika itu kenapa pula dia nak larang orang tebang pokok.

Sekarang saya pun berperasaan seperti Ungku Aziz, dan saya merasa marah kalau orang tebang pokok pokok tanpa sebarang perkiraan. Setelah mengetahui peranan yang dimainkan oleh pokok pokok dan pentingnya peranan tersebut kepada khidupan kita, saya rasa memang kita perlu berkira sangat apabila hendak menebang pokok.

Apabila saya ke Singapura, terserempak dengan pasukan pekerja di bandaraya tersebut sedang trim pokok pokok yang dahannya telah menjadi penghalang. Mereka tidak tebang pokok, tetapi trim dimana yang patut.

Tetapi di Malaysia, kontraktor yang diupah oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan, kalau dapat kontrak trim pokok, bukannya di trim pokok tu, tetapi ditebang habis. Pernah saya minta PBT tempat saya trim pokok, tetapi dua minggu kemudian, pokok tu habis kena tebang.

Sebab? tentulah bayaran untuk tebang lebih tinggi daripada bayaran trim pokok. Maka, selagi ada pokok tebang je be. Itu Sebab depa tibai kat kes ini.

Mana lebih penting, kesejahteraan alam sekitar atau kesejahteraan poket sendiri?
Tentulah poket sendiri!

Thursday, August 5, 2010



The Malays in Singapore – no crutch mentality

(Speech by Berita Harian Singapore editor Guntor Sadali, at the Berita Harian Singapore Achiever of the Year Awards ceremony on July 28, 2010)

It is a fact known to all that Malays in Singapore are a minority.

However this minority is quite different from other minorities in the world.

Similarly, to some, Singapore is just a red dot in this vast Asian region.

But it is no ordinary red dot.

It is a grave mistake to equate size with ability, just as it is wrong to assume that being small and in the minority is to be weak and insignificant.

The recent World Cup proved this. While Spain may be the world champion, it was minnow Switzerland that became the only country in the tournament that was able to defeat Spain.

Forty-five years have passed since Singapore left Malaysia, yet every now and then we still hear non-complimentary comments from across the Causeway about the Malay community here.

The latest came from former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who casually reminded Malaysian Malays not to become like Singaporean Malays.

He did not make it clear what he actually meant, but the comment was made in the context of the possibility of Malaysian Malays losing their power in Malaysia.

Again he did not specify what type of power, but it could safely be interpreted as political power.

Now, what could have happened to the Malays here in the last four decades?

What could have driven Dr Mahathir to voice his concern and to caution the Malaysian Malays?

I wonder.

The Malay community in Singapore, of course, know what has become of us here.

First and foremost, we have become a completely different community from what we were 45 years ago.

We have developed our own identity and philosophy of life that are distinct from our relatives across the Causeway.

We may wear the same clothes, eat the same food, speak the same language and practise the same culture.

However, the similarities end there.

We are now a society that upholds the philosophy of wanting to stand on our own feet, or what is known in Malay as ‘berdikari’ or ‘berdiri atas kaki sendiri’.

We do not believe in being spoon-fed or being too dependent on government help.

In other words, we do not have a crutch mentality.We firmly believe that a community with such a crutch mentality will soon become a “two M” community – the first ‘M’ stands for ‘manja’ (spoilt), and the second for ‘malas’ (lazy).

We definitely do not want to be labelled as a pampered and lazy community.

That is why our Malay community here constantly work hard to raise funds to build our own mosques, madrasahs and other buildings in expensive and land-scarce Singapore.

Over the years we have raised millions of dollars to become proud owners of these buildings.

Through our own efforts and with the help of other organisations, we have also helped the needy not only financially, but also in equipping them with new skills so that they can earn their living.

For Dr Mahathir, however, all that we have done and achieved so far are not good enough.

He takes a negative view of our changed attitudes and different mindset, and has therefore cautioned Malaysian Malays not to be like us.

What about power? For Malays in Singapore, power is not about wielding the keris.

For us, knowledge is power. In fact we believe that knowledge is THE real power.

The constant emphasis by the community on the importance of education and acquiring knowledge has led to the formation of institutions such as Mendaki, Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), the Prophet Mohamad Birthday Memorial Scholarship Board (LBKM) and many others.

These self-help organisations not only provide financial help to needy students, but also strive to nuture our students to their full potential.

At the same time, these organisations help to tackle various social ills faced by the community.

Again, we do these all on our own. Malay children here attend the same schools as other Singaporeans with a shared aim – to obtain a holistic education and, of course, achieve good examination results.

Yes, it is tough. Like all other children, our Malay students have no choice but to work hard.

It is a reality of life in Singapore that we have come to accept – that there is certainly no short cut to success.

We do not believe in getting any special treatment, because it would only reduce the value of our achievements and lower our dignity.

The meritocratic system that we practise here is, without doubt, a tough system but it helps us to push ourselves and prevent us from becoming ‘manja’ and ‘malas’.

Still, Dr Mahathir and some Malay leaders across the Causeway do not like the way we do things here and have therefore warned Malaysian Malays not to be like us.

On our part, there is certainly no turning back.

Meritocracy has proven to be a good and fair system.

It pushes us to work hard and makes us proud of our achievements.

We can see how it has benefited us by looking at the growing number of doctors, lawyers, magistrates, engineers, corporate leaders and other professionals among us.

It is the successes and achievements of some of these people that Berita Harian wants to highlight and celebrate when we launched this Achiever Award 12 years ago.

Tonight, we have another role model to present to our community.

So, the question is: Shouldn’t our friends and relatives across the Causeway be like us – Malays in Singapore?

It is definitely not for us to suggest or decide.

And we too have no intention of asking our own community if we would like to be like them either, because we have already chosen our very own path for the future.

We, the Malays in Singapore, should be proud of our achievements, because we have attained them through hard work.

It is true that what we have achieved so far may not be the best, and that we are still lagging behind the other races.

There are large pockets in our community facing various social problems.

We have achieved so much, and yet there is still a long way to go. But we should not despair.

We can do a lot more on our own if the community stay united and cohesive.

In critical issues, we should speak with one voice.

We need to help and strengthen each other while at the same time reach out to the other communities in multi-racial, multi-religious Singapore. A successful and prosperous Singapore can only mean a successful and prosperous Malay community.

Can we do it? Well, to borrow US President Barack Obama’s campaign slogan, “ Yes, we can”.



Jumpa gambau ni dalam satu blog.

Apa tafsiran anda?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Semalam saya beli sehelai sejadah untuk kegunaan solat. Bila nak bayar, juru jual tu tanya, kenapa pilih warna hijau?

Dia tambah lagi: hari tu ada orang beli sajadah di sini berkotak kotak, semuanya hijau. kenapa hijau?

Saya jawab, kau tau tak, kalau kau pergi madinah, di sana ada masjid Nabi. Kubah masjid tu warna hijau. Kalau kau sayangkan nabi Muhammad, pilihlah warna hijau.

kan ke warna hijau ni dikaitkan dengan Islam. Kalau anda pergi Putrajaya, kubah bangunan pejabat perdana menteri pun warna hijau.

Masjid Hasanah Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor pun kubahnya hijau.

Yang peliknya, kubah bangunan pejabat berkaitan dengan pentadbiran islam bersebelahan Masjid Hasanah yang sedang dibina sedang menunjukkan kubahnya warna biru.

kan ke biru tu BN?

Sunday, August 1, 2010



Bila membaca berita bahawa kes denggi naik dengan mendadak di Kelantan, saya rasakan kita perlu melakukan sesuatu untuk memerangi masalah ini.

Denggi, seperti juga malaria, disebarkan oleh vektor nyamuk, aedes aegypti dan aedes albopictus.

Dengan menggunakan DDT, vektor bagi penyakit demam malaria, nyamuk anopheles telah berjaya dihapuskan.

Dan malaria telah dilenyapkan dari negara ini.

Tetapi sekarang malaria menyerang kembali, dan bukan sahaja malaria, tetapi juga denggi dan penyakit yang dibawa oleh nyamuk.

Bila USA mengharamkan penggunaan DDT, kerana ada kononnya kaitan antara penggunaan DDT dengan kematian helang jenis bald eagle, maka negara negara lain turut menghentikan penggunaan DDT. Termasuk Malaysia.

Sekarang, denggi meningkat, malaria pun kembali mengganas di Malaysia.

Adakah kita sayang nyawa helang atau nyawa manusia?

1. Untuk berabad malaria menjadi punca utama ketidakupayaan dan kematian

2. Kadar kematian bagi pesakit yang tidak dirawat ialah 10%

3. Penyakit ini boleh dikawal sekiranya pembawa penyakit, nyamuk anopheles dihapuskan.

4. Penggunaan DDT telah berjaya menghapuskan nyamuk

5. DDT- dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (ClC6H4)2CHCCl3

6. Dibuat daripada chloral dan chlorobenzene

7. Tanpa warna, tanpa bau; pepejal

8. Tidak larut dalam air, tetapi larut dalam pelarut organan seperti ether, acetone, benzene & carbon tetrachloride

9. Bertindak sebagai racun saaraf dan mengilat serangga

10. Digunakan untuk menghapuskan serangga yang merosakkan tanaman dan membunuh serangga pembawa penyakit seperti nyamuk yang membawa malaria dan demam kuning, serta kutu yang membawa typhus

11. Racun tinggalan adalah berkesan di tempat yang disembur untuk beberapa minggu, walau pun ia masih berkesan untuk beberapa tahun

12. Tidak berbahaya kepada tumbuhan, melainkan jenis cucumber (timun)

13. DDT mula dirumus oleh saintis German; Othmar Zeidler 1874

14. 1939; Saintis Swiss, Paul Hermann Muller menemui keberkesanannya- Muller menang hadiah Nobel 1948

15. DDT digunakan dengan banyaknya dalam perang dunia ke 2 di medan Mid dan South Pacific sebelum penaklukan dan pendudukan dilakukan

16. Selepas perang, semburan diteruskan diUSA- 250,000 kes malaria sebelum program semburan

17. 1950, DDT <>

18. Pendapat saintis 60an dan 70an mengatakan DDT adalah toksik kepada manusia dan haiwan

19. Disebabkan potensi bahayanya kepada manusia dan mergastua [bald eagle] dan hidupan air, DDT diharamkan penggunaannya di USA dalam tahun 1972; diikuti oleh Canada, Sweden dan Denmark

20. Keberkesanan DDT telah berkurang disebabkan banyak sepsis serangga membina ketahanan melawan DDT

21. Tetapi apabila DDT digunakan bersama Chlorinated hydrocarbon –keberkesannya dapat dikembalikan ADAKAH DDT DIPERLUKAN?

22. Mengikut WHO 500 juta kes malaria- 1 juta kematian

23. Peru – 1990-1996 kes malaria meingkat 7 kali ganda.

24. Kes malaria paling berbahaya meningkat daripada 140 ke 36,000 di LOseta

25. Africa Selatan: 1995 – 8750 kes, 44 kematian – 1999: 51,000 kes; 393 kematian

26. Indonesai- kes malaria semakin meningkat

27. Pandangan saintis sekarang: DDT tidak berbahaya kepada manusia

28. India: 800,000 kematian disebabkan malaria- hingga 1960an, sifar kematian

29. Sri Langka: 2.8 juta kes kurang daripada 17 kematian

30. DDT digunakan dengan banyaknya dalam aktiviti pertanian

31. Apabila penggunaan DDT dihentikan: kes malaria meningkat – Brazil dan Bolivia meningkat lebih 90% - Guyana meningkat lebih 80%

32. Ecuador menambahkan penggunaan DDT, kes malaria menurun 60%

33. Africa Selatan berhenti penggunaan DDT dalam tahun 1996, tetapi dalam tahun 1999 kes malaria meningkat

34. DDT diteruskan penggunaannya apabila lebih 400 doktor medical menulis surat terbuka diketuai oleh Amir Attaran, supaya DDT digunakan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa.



Tahniah diucapkan kepada ustaz Muhammad Asyraf Mohamad Ridzuan, 26 yang telah dimasyhurkan sebagai Imam Muda.

Semoga usaha dakwa anda berterusan