
Excerpt from the Star online April 17, 2008
My ADUN: Sungai Rapat Full Name: Hamidah Osman
Party: Umno
Age: 47
Marital status: Married
Number of children: Four
Constituency: Sungai Rapat
Education: Degree in Accountancy, UiTM
Profession: Full-time politician
Hamidah, who is also Gopeng Wanita chief, has been with Wanita Umno for 25 years.
How much time do you spend on the computer? Do you blog? Do you have a website?
About an hour a day. If it is work-related, maybe up to four hours. I don’t have any blog. I’m planning to set up a website.
What kind of music do you listen to? Please name a favourite song.
Not so much. Don’t have any.
Are you into movies? Name a favourite movie.
I seldom watch movie. I only watch what is on the television. No favourites.
What do you read? What was the last book you read?
I prefer books on human behaviour and character building. The last book I read was called ‘Penenang hati’. I forgot who the author was.
Are you into the English Premier League football? What’s your team and favourite player?
I used to follow EPL sometime ago. My husband likes Liverpool so I followed him. I don’t have any particular footballer that I like.
If not football, what’s your favourite sport?
I like sports actually, especially badminton, I would follow the progress of our country’s players in tournaments every now and then through news.
What do you play? Who is your favourite sports star?
I would go for bowling whenever I have the time. No one in particular.
Coffee or tea? Name your brew.
I prefer tea, plain and thin. Cameron Boh tea.
Got a nickname? How did it come about?
Kak midah, everyone calls me that. It is derived from my name.
What languages can you speak?
Bahasa Malaysia, English and a bit of Cantonese.
Do you smoke?
No. I hate smokers.
What is the gadget you can’t do without?
Handphone is important and my laptop also.
What’s your favourite food? Spicy food.
What car do you drive and how long have you had it?
I have a Mercedes 230 for 13 years and a Toyota Estima for about four years.
What is your contribution to environmental conservation?
I am very cautious about preserving the natural beauty of the environment. I used to be involved in landscaping and I would do a lot of tree planting.
Name an idol (dead or alive) that you look up to and why.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He is a great leader who has served the country for 23 years. I admire him for his leadership quality, his vision and what he has done for the country.
Any phobia?
I am scared of anything cold-blooded.
Favourite actor, and why.
Tan Sri P. Ramlee because he was such an evergreen actor and his message is still relevant to our society.
Favourite actress, and why. None.
What do you like about Malaysia?
We have a unique mix of cultures and races. The people can live together as a whole community and we respect each other.
What do you dislike most about Malaysians?
Some Malaysians are busybodies (laughs) and they are sometimes very emotional and less rational.
Which sector in Malaysia would you like to see improvement?
I would like to see improvements in all service-based sectors, especially those related to public services. They are still lots of room for improvement.
If there is one thing you wish you can change in the country, what would that be?
I would like to change the attitude of the people. I want the country to be prosperous and for the people to adopt eastern values.
tahniah mummy,
kerana membongkar rahsia besar Umno Bahagian Merbok.Bravo !! Teruskan bongkar untuk rakyat tahu dan lebih tahu !
erm.. bagus maklumat nie... apa kata mummy selidik juga tentang orang2 yang rapat ngan mr tajul nie.. contohnya ketua pemuda bahagian kuala kedah.. siapa dia nie sebenarnya..
Inilah yang silapnya mengenai orang melayu. Jelas dan nyata tidak dapat duduk diam bila melihat bangsanya kaya dan memiliki harta bertimbun. Sepatutnya bila kita dengki melihat orang melayu lain kaya raya, kita juga patut berusaha untuk menjadi kaya, bukan mentohmah dan memburuk-burukkan orang melayu lain. Saya tidak hairan jika 50 tahun lagi miliki peratusan melayu dalam bidang ekonomi menjunam jatuh. Sebabnya kerana terdapat orang melayu sendiri yang masih kuat rasa iri hati dan dengki. Tak sedar pula tu. Nama je sekolah melambung tinggi. Tapi hati masih busuk macam bangkai babi.
Salam Mummy,
harap maklumat mummy nie bukan rekaan dan fitnah semata-mata.kalau tak kes naya mummy.
sebagai salah seorang orang muda di merbok, samaada tajul ataupun tokmie, jawapannya ialah baik orang lain.samada guna duit atau tidak, perwatakan tajul tidak sesuai untuk menjadi pemimpin yang telus dan ikhlas.susah nak mengenal tajul samada beliau adalah musuh atau tidak.tokmie pula lebih kepada orang-orang lama.merbok begitu slow sehingga tiada tarikan.sifat juah dan berlagak kerana kaya dan jawatan ibarat mengikat tali di tengkuk..bisa menjerut sehingga padam jika salah jalan dan ditarik orang.jika benar apa yang mummy cakapkan maka merbok boleh menjadi contoh kepada umno yang bakal terkubur pada pru 13.pemuda diketuai oleh kroni khairy.wanita diketuai oleh seorang wanita yang tidak berkenyakinan manakala puteri diketuai oleh seorang yang persis lalang.apa lagi yang tinggal?
Saudara Bungaraya,
Tulisan mummy tidak mempunyaai niat buruk kepada sesiapa,ianya merupakan satu fakta yang benar.Manusia suka ikut orang ramai dan takut untuk berhadapan dengan KEBENARAN.
Kebenaran itu kebal,ia tidak terkalahkan kerana kebenaran adalah kemahuan Tuhan.
Satu lagi projek yang dijual kepada Singapura ialah Projek 99 degrees East di Bukit Malut,Langkawi.Tanah milik Kerajaan Negeri diserah kepada Syarikat TIARAMODA yang dimiliki oleh rakyat Singapura.Tanah itu amat Strategik dan cukup besar melebihi 100 ekar di serah secara Joint venture 80% kepada syarikat tersebut dan Kerajaan Negeri Kedah hanya memiliki 20% sahaja.
Semua Projek ini diatur oleh Tajul melalui Syarikat Kedah Corp.Berapa nilai Projek ini ? ianya hampir mencechah billion ringgit.Siapa yang untung ? tolong tanya mantan MB Kedah Det Khalid.
Yang anehnya mengikut kelaziman Projek JV selalunya 70 - 30 ,kenapa projek ini 80 - 20 ? siapa dapat 10 peratus ? Sila tanya MB baru dan GM Kedah Corp yang baru, ia ada jawapannya.