Saturday, March 21, 2009



Saya setuju dan menyokong kenyataan Tuan Guru Nik Aziz bahawa beliau adalah nakhoda dalam PAS, dengan semua perkara yang melibatkan polisi hendaklah dirujuk kepada beliau. Samada perkara itu hendak dilontar kepada masyarakat untuk menguji pandangan orang ramai, atau perkara yang memang hendak dilaksana serta diimplimentasi.

Perkara nakhoda ini timbul apabila Tuan Guru Haji Hadi melontarkan satu cadangan untuk mengadakan satu kerajaan perpaduan. Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu Dato' Mustafa Ali menyatakan bahawa kedua dua tok guru tersebut adalah betul.

Saya ingin memilih untuk tidak selari dengan hujah Dato' Mustafa Ali. Jalan mudah yang boleh kita pilih untuk kelihatan tidak memihak dan untuk kelihatan semuanya cantik dan comel adalah bersuara seperti yang dikatakan oleh Dato' tersebut. Tetapi sebenarnya tidak semuanya comel.

Pertama, apabila disebut kerajaan perpaduan, persepsi yang timbul dalam fikiran rakyat dan pengundi ialah PAS atau pun PR bergabung dengan BN. Walau apa pun yang cuba diterangkan oleh Dato' Mustafa Ali, atau oleh Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang, rakyat tetap melihat kerajaan perpaduan yang disebut tersebut begitulah rupanya. Tidakkah mereka sedar bahawa sebahagian besar rakyat meluat dan meloya dengan BN. Sebarang idea untuk memeluk, atau sebarang gesaan yang kelihatan seperti memeluk BN akan dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang jijik dan meloyakan.

Kedua, BN tidak akan setuju dengan sebarang bentuk kerjasama dengan mana mana pihak sekiranya mereka tidak berpeluang memegang tampuk kuasa. Sekiranya kerajaan perpaduan ini menjadi kenyataan, BN akan pastikan bahawa merekalah nakhoda dalam kerajaan yang sedemikian, parti lain bolehlah jadi para juak yang kerjanya melabuhkan sauh.

Bagaimana penyokong PR boleh terima keadaan ini bila mereka semakin hampir menendang BN untuk tersungkur dari tahta kuasa? Kerajaan perpaduan hanya akan mengawetkan cengkaman UMNO dan BN terhadap kuasa.

Ketiga, bau kerajaan perpaduan ini adalah berbau racist dan melayu-centric. Tujuan kerajaan perpaduan ini adalah untuk mengekalkan kononnya pegangan dan cengkaman Melayu Islam terhadap kuasa. Itulah sebabnya Ibrahim Ali menyokong saranan Tuan Guru Haji Hadi ini. Bukan kah Ibrahim Ali sentiasa mengkentutkan PAS, bukankan Ibrahim Ali pernah gelar Hj. Hadi ulamak tahi kucing? Tetapi kenapa dalam isu ini Ibrahim Ali tiba tiba saja begitu berhemah setuju dengan Tuan Guru Haji Hadi?

Sebabnya ialah Ibrahim Ali, serta mereka yang sealiran dengan beliau mempunyai persepsi seperti yang saya katakan tadi. Mereka melihat, gesaan kerajaan perpaduan ini adalah satu satunya cara untuk menyelamatkan UMNO. Tidakkah anda tahu perkataan Melayu dan Islam itu adalah satu smoke screen untuk UMNO. Jadi bila mereka berbuih mulut berkata untuk menyelamatkan umat Melayu dan Isalm, yang sebenar benar benarnya ialah mereka hendak menyelamatkan UMNO. Bila UMNO selamat, maka mereka sendiri akan selamat. Sekarang Tuan GuruHj. Hadi datang untuk menawarkan kepada mereka yang sedang keadaan nazak ini, ubat untuk menyelamatkan mereka.

Saya tahu Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang menggunakan teori germination semasa melontarkan gesaan tersebut.

Tetapi teori tersebut tidak sesuai buat ketika ini. Ikutlah kata kata nakhoda.



You don't have to be extra wise to foresee what the future lies for UMNO. You don't even have to be an UMNO strongman to see what the future has to offer for UMNO. It is a cul-de-sac. Jalan mati. It is as simple as that.

And time is not on UMNO's side. Muhyiddin Yassin says UMNO has four years to mend the mess they are in now, but do you sincerely believe that in a matter of four years the filth that has been accumulating for half a century ca be wiped out?

It now time for UMNO to understand and to digest, that they are set to be kicked out of power. The first blow was delivered in the 12th general election, the knock-out blow will be given in the 13th general election, and the final nail in the coffin will be in the 14th general election.

Now you know what the rest of the story will be.....

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin says Umno has reached the end of the road and must change quickly and renew its strength and influence or risk losing power.

He also said that party members must move away from being self-serving, as perceived by the people, and start serving the people sincerely if the party was to remain relevant.

He said the party only had four years to change before the people again passed judgement in the 13th general election and that in that most limited time frame all quarters must be committed to restoring the party's image while the members must be prepared to accept change.

"Some people say Umno has reached a crossroads (but) I say Umno has reached the end of the road. The final period is four years," [thestar online 20/3/09]

Friday, March 20, 2009



Tidak ada apa yang paling mengecutkan hati Ali Rustam selain daripada asakan dan desakan supaya beliau melepaskan jawatannya sebagai ketua menteri Melaka.

Untuk meredakan ketakutan dan kekecutan ini, beliau menggunakan hujah bebal kenapa beliau boleh terus memegang jawatan ketua menteri.

Dia membuat contoh, Lim Guan Eng pernah masuk penjara, tetapi masih boleh menjadi ketua menteri. Anwar Ibrahim, pernah masuk penjara, tetapi boleh jadi ahli parlimen dan ketua pembangkan. Bukan ke bebal punya hujah tu! Macam mana la si Hasbullah Pit boleh biarkan orang Melaka berketua menterikan orang yang macamn ini.

Dan yang paling malu dan pudau dan terhina ialah orang Bukit Katil. Bukan semua orang Bukit Katil tu UMNO, tetapi disebabkan malu yang besar dan onar yang besar dilakukan oleh seorang ternama di Bukit Katil ini, maka seluruh Bukit Katil itu terlumur dengan najis ini. Hinanya Bukit Katil pada hari ini.

Tambah memalukan apabila UMNO Bukit Katil tertegang leher mempertahankan kebatilan yang mereka lakukan. Kebatilan yang ketua mereka lakukan. Jelas apabila rakyat Melaka bangkit untuk menunjukkan rasa jijik mereka kepada Ali Rustam dan UMNO Bukit Katil pada tunjuk perasaan di Masjid MITC tengahari tadi, UMNO Bukit Katil kehilangan punca dan meraban tak tentu arah mempertahankan kebatilan mereka.

Mereka menuduh orang luar campur tangan urusan UMNO. Ini bukan hal UMNO la. Ini hal negara. Ini hal integriti negara. Ini hal maruah negara. Semua rakyat dan semua warga negara ada hak untuk menyatakan pendirian dan pandangan mereka. Isu ini bukan hak UMNO seorang sahaja untuk menanganinya.

Sebab itulah seluruh warga Bukit Katil sedang menanggung aib yang sangat besar.

Kerana ada ketam yang mengetam katil.



JASIN 19 Mac - Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam yang dilarang daripada bertanding atau dipilih ke jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO pada pemilihan parti kali ini adalah seorang pejuang sebenar parti kerana sikap terbuka beliau menerima keputusan tersebut.

Tokoh veteran UMNO, Tan Sri Aziz Tapa berkata, reputasi Naib Presiden UMNO itu yang dikenali sebagai paling kuat bekerja dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi keutuhan parti membuktikan beliau seorang ahli yang begitu setia dan tidak patah semangat.

''Saya cukup mengenali beliau (Mohd. Ali) sejak daripada menjadi pemimpin belia melalui banyak pengalaman dalam politik di peringkat cawangan, bahagian, dipilih sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) dan menjadi Ketua Menteri sehingga sekarang.

''Mohd. Ali adalah pejuang politik yang sebenar bermula daripada peringkat akar umbi. Segala pengalaman yang dilalui hingga membawanya menjadi Ketua Menteri sudah cukup membayangkan beliau seorang yang kuat kerja dan melakukan apa sahaja untuk parti,'' katanya ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di kediamannya di sini hari ini.[utusan malaysia online 20-3-09]

Saya setuju dengan Tan Sri, bahawa meremut dalam UMNO yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja. Bukan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat, tetapi untuk menggemuk tembolok sendiri.

Sanggup melakukan apa sahaja..... itulah sebabnya lembaga disiplin UMNO mendapati dia bersalah. Dia telah melakukan sesuatu, yang semua orang UMNO buat.

Seantero dunia dah tahu apa yang dia lakukan. Tan Sri pun tau kan?

Thursday, March 19, 2009







Wednesday, March 18, 2009



Kata yang ampunya ceritera, ada dua batu yang terendam di Melaka. Satu kekal terendam, maka dinamai Batu Berendam. Satu diambil bagi memahat batu di tangga. Maka dinamai Tangga Batu. Alkisah di Batu Berendam terdapat banyak kilang.

Manager manager kilang ini datang dari negeri omputih. Tetapi satu mamat suka datang ke kilang kilang ini. Setiap kali mamat ni datang, omputih tu kena sumbat poket mamat ni dengan uang.

Kalau ada mesyuarat besau, mamat ni datang. Omputih sumbat lagi. Kalau ada pilihanraya mamat ni datang. Omputih kena sumbat lagi poket mamat ni.

Cerita mamat ni semua kilang satu Melaka tahu. Bukan sahaja kilang yang tahu, tukang sapu di kilang pun tahu. Jadi bahan bual orang Melaka. Mamat ni bukan sebarang mamat. Dia bawah sikit daripada sultan. Tetapi sebab sultan Melaka belum ditabal, maka mamat ni kira kiranya raja la.

Tapi sehari dua hari ni, mamat ni tak nampak nampak menjenguk di kilang kilang.

Now you know the rest of the story.........





Adalah sangat jelas seluruh UMNO itu busuk dan membusukkan, rosak dan merosakkan serta najis dan menajiskan. Sebabnya ialah:

1. UMNO Melaka jelas menunjukkan rasa terkilan, kecewa serta marah kerana ketua mereka didapati mengamalkan rasuah dan hilang kelayakan bertanding.

2. Tidak timbul rasa bersyukur di kalangan mereka apabila satu bahagian busuk mereka telah dipotong agar tubuh mereka tidakmenjadi gangerine.

3. Tidak timbul rasa terkilan dalam diri mereka sekiranya ketua mereka didapati rasuah dan hilang kelayakan bertanding tetapi dalam masa yang sama masih terus menjawat jawatan awam, iaitu ketua menteri Melaka.

4. Tidak timbul rasa jijik dalam sanubari mereka sekiranya ketua itu rasuah, tetapi terus berpaut kepada kuasa yang dimandatkan oleh rakyat.

5. Mereka sepatutnya juga tahbu, sekiranya ketua mereka rasuah, bukan sahaja beliau tidak layak bertanding jawatan dalam parti, tetapi lebih penting lagi ialah beliau perlu melepaskan jawatan awamnya. Sekiranya beliau mempunyai maruah. Sekiranya UMNO Melaka mempunyai maruah. Sekiranya UMNO mempunyai maruah.

Tetapi mereka tidak punya maruah. Peduli apa dengan itu semua!

MELAKA 17 Mac - Seluruh UMNO Bahagian Melaka melahirkan rasa terkilan dengan keputusan Lembaga Disiplin UMNO melarang Naib Presiden, Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam daripada bertanding pada pemilihan parti akhir bulan ini.

Mereka menyifatkan keputusan Lembaga Disiplin tidak adil dan berat sebelah sehingga menutup peluang Ketua Menteri Melaka itu bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden.

Mereka turut mempertikaikan keputusan Lembaga Disiplin hanya memberi amaran kepada Naib Ketua Pemuda, Khairy Jamaluddin sedangkan Ahli Parlimen Rembau itu turut melakukan kesalahan di bawah Perkara 10.1 Tataetika Ahli UMNO.

Ketua UMNO Bahagian Tangga Batu, Datuk Idris Haron berkata, keputusan itu amat mengejutkan dan mengecewakan penyokong-penyokong Mohd. Ali bukan sahaja di Melaka tetapi juga di beberapa negeri lain.

Menurut beliau, Lembaga Disiplin parti sepatutnya merujuk terlebih dahulu keputusan yang hendak dibuat kepada Majlis Tertinggi (MT) sebelum membuat pengumuman.

''Hukuman itu sepatutnya mengambil kira kepentingan politik kerana ia boleh mengundang pelbagai reaksi serta menjejaskan keyakinan ahli pada parti.

''Apa pun saya yakin Mohd. Ali akan meletakkan kepentingan parti mengatasi segala-galanya," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Sementara itu, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Alor Gajah, Datuk Abdul Ghafaar Atan turut mempersoalkan perkara yang sama dan melihat keputusan itu sebagai tidak adil.

''Adakah wujud ketelusan pada Lembaga Disiplin UMNO? Adakah benar siasatan telus dan jujur dilakukan ke atas Mohd. Ali dengan tidak memihak kepada pihak-pihak tertentu?

''Kenapa hanya di saat-saat akhir sebelum pemilihan parti barulah pihak Lembaga Disiplin hendak buat keputusan? Saya benar-benar terkilan dengan keputusan ini," katanya.

Naib Ketua UMNO Bahagian Jasin, Datuk Mohamad Hidhir Abu Hasan juga mempertikaikan keputusan tersebut yang disifatkan berat sebelah.

''Ada pihak melakukan kesalahan yang sama tetapi sekadar diberikan amaran tetapi bagi Mohd. Ali pula beliau dilarang bertanding atau dipilih ke jawatan Timbalan Presiden," katanya.

Bendahari UMNO Bahagian Bukit Katil, Datuk Akbar Ali berkata, pada masa ini kewibawaan, integriti, ketelusan, keadilan dan kemampuan Lembaga Disiplin parti boleh dipertikaikan.

''Keputusan hari ini dipertikaikan. Ia dilihat seolah-olah kurang sihat dan perlu diperbetulkan segera, jika tidak ia akan memberi kesan pada pemilihan parti hujung bulan ini," katanya lagi.[utusan online 18/3/09]

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Seperti yang telah saya katakan sebelum ini, mereka yang didapati mengamalkan rasuah digantung. Tetapi, tali gantung yang digunakan dibuat daripada wang kertas, jadi, apabila digantung, wang kertas itu putus, dan , yahoo, yang kena gantung itu hidup!

Undang undang negara tidak ada guna satu sen pun! Undang undang negara adalah untuk menghukum siapa yang melawan UMNO. Kalau orang UMNO, buat apa pun ok je.

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam has been found guilty of breaching the party’s campaign rules and would not be allowed to contest the Umno deputy presidency next week.

The board's chairman Tengku Tan Sri Ahmad Rithauddeen announced the decisions at the party’s headquarters at PWTC here.

“Mohd Ali is only barred from contesting but has not been suspended (from the party),” Rithauddeen said.

He, however, added that Mohd Ali’s political secretary Saadun Basirun and two other office bearers from his Bukit Katil division were found guilty of “money politics” or vote-buying and have been suspended for three years.

Mohd Ali was found guilty under Article 10.1 of Umno’s Code of Ethics, whereby he is presumed guilty due to the action of third parties (his agents in this case) acting on his behalf.

[thestar online 17/3/09 8:45 pm]



Syed Hamid Albar mengaku bahawa berlaku rasuah dalam UMNO. Dan ia berlaku secara terang terangan. Bezanya dengan rasuah di luar UMNO ialah:

1. Ia diistilah sebagai politik wang atau money politics, bertujuan dan mengharap semua rakyat Malaysia bebal belaka dengan bersetuju, kalau istilah politik wang digunakan, ia bukan rasuah, dan boleh terlepas daripada tindakan undang undang negara

2. Apabila didapati bersalah, maka tindakan disiplin UMNO dikenakan. Mereka tidak dikenakan atau diambil tindakan dengan undang undang negara. Sebab? semua mereka telah menuntut dan berjaya mendapat ilmu kebal

KUALA LUMPUR: Money politics exists in every party but in Umno it is practised more openly, says party supreme council member Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

“The difference between Umno and other parties is that it is done more openly in Umno. There are bound to be reports and complaints that point to money politics in an atmosphere like the upcoming general assembly,” he told reporters in Parliament yesterday.

He said that, while the party disciplinary board must root out members indulging in money politics, members must also ensure that their actions do not lead to the party’s downfall.[thestar online March 17, 2009]



KUALA LUMPUR 16 Mac – Calon Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam disebut-sebut antara pemimpin kanan UMNO yang bakal dikenakan tindakan atas kesalahan politik wang pada mesyuarat Lembaga Disiplin UMNO, esok.

Difahamkan Lembaga Disiplin mungkin akan mencadangkan agar Mohd. Ali, yang juga Ketua Menteri Melaka dan Naib Presiden UMNO digantung keahlian setahun atau tiga tahun.

Pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin, Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen Tengku Ismail dijadual mengumumkan perkara itu pada sidang akhbar pukul 4 petang esok di ibu pejabat UMNO di sini selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat tersebut.

Bagaimanapun Mohd. Ali yang ditemui pemberita pada majlis pertemuan calon Majlis Tertinggi (MT) dan perwakilan di Hotel Bluewave, Shah Alam malam ini, tetap enggan mengulas perkara tersebut. [utusan malaysiaonline]

Gantung perkara biasalah. Calon kena gantung. ADUN kena gantung. Ahli Parlimen kena gantung. Itu perkara biasa. Macam rasuah dalam UMNO.

Tapi walau kena gantung, mereka tidak mati.

Monday, March 16, 2009



Lim Kit Siang says the parliament was turned into a kangaroo court when Gobind Singh Deo was suspended for one year without pay and priviledges. I wonder what UMNO would say; when Sivakumar suspended the six ADUN in Perak, they say sue him in court!

Would they say the same thing to their Speaker?

[from Lim Kit Siang] Parliament convened as a court of justice this morning to decide the fate of DAP MP for Puchong, Gobind Singh Deo, over what transpired in Parliament last Thursday but it operated as a kangaroo court as Gobind was not even allowed the floor to defend himself.

For the first hour, Pakatan Rakyat MPs raised one objection after another against the motion to suspend Gobind for one year as MP without pay and privileges, from the propriety of the motion whether from the standpoint of the Parliamentary Standing Orders, the Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952 or the Federal Constitution, to questions including double jeopardy and sub judice but they were all brushed aside by the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin.

The Speaker also rejected the amendment by the DAP MP for Ipoh Barat, M. Kulasegaran to the motion by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz so as to refer Gobind to the Committee of Privileges over the charges cited in the motion: that Gobind had breached parliamentary privileges in alleging the involvement of the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the Altantuya Shariibuu murder case.

I told the House that questions about Najib’s involvement in the murder case are public interest issues, which have been raised not only in the House, but in the country and internationally.

These questions are not parliamentary contempts or parliamentary privileges, in view of the many circumstances giving legitimacy to these queries which Najib had failed to avail himself of the right to reply in the House to dismiss or clarify, including:

  • Testimony by the investigating officer of the murder case that Najib was an important witness but he had not been questioned;
  • Court testimony of a photograph showing three persons, including Najib and Altantuya;
  • Statutory declaration by a private investigator on Najib’s relationship with Altantuya;
  • The involvement of members of the police elite unit guarding the deputy prime minister in the murder case.

Pakatan Rakyat MPs staged a protest walk-out when Gobind and other PK MPs, apart from Anwar and myself, were not allowed speak in the debate – and the motion suspending Gobind for one year without pay and privileges was passed by the Umno/Barisan Nasional in Parliament.



No more hugs and kisses for Shahrizat: I don’t go around cuddling but I notice she’s more restrained. Maybe she is embarrassed.

Normally it’s not me who does the kissing, I don’t go around kissing people. I am the elder, so they approach me. I don’t live on kisses but her supporters still hug and kiss me. What matters is what they think. Even Siti Zaharah supports me and we had fought twice.

[Jocelin Tan; thestaronline 16/3/09]



Cakap cakap untuk membawa PAS ke dalam BN adalah ketagihan UMNO kepada PAS. Mereka tahu PAS adalah bunga mekar yang penuh dengan nectar, dan mereka sangat meleleh air liur untuk menghisap madu yang dipunyai oleh PAS. Sebab itulah Khir Toyo dan Puad Zarkashi tergian sangat.

Semasa berkawan dengan Puad dulu, saya tahu beliau sering mengindoktrinasi para pelajar agar masuk PAS, tetapi akhirnya beliau yang masuk UMNO, namun ketagihan terhadap PAS tidak dapat dipadam.

Tuan Guru Nik Aziz mengatakan peristiwa lama di mana PAS pernah berada dalam kerajaan campuran BN, kemudian ditendang keluar tidak mudah untuk dilupakan. Dan ahli PAS selalu diperingatkan bahawa mereka jangan termasuk dalam lubang ular dua kali. Sekali terkena sudah cukup untuk membuat mereka serik.

Cuma ada juga pemimpin PAS yang turut terliur dengan lambaian glittering gold sekiranya mereka jadi sebahagian daripada pemerintah. Kecapan yang sekarang ini mereka rasai menjadikan mereka terkulat kulat tidak cukup, dan rasa ingin lagi dan lagi semakin menggian.

Dalam pimpinan PAS Selangor gelitik ini terserlah kali demi kali.

Sunday, March 15, 2009



KOTA KINABALU, Sept 8, 2008 (Bernama) -- The High Court here Monday declared null and void the election of Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) president Tan Sri Joseph Kurup as the unopposed winner of the Pensiangan parliamentary seat in the March 8 general election.

In delivering the landmark judgment, Justice David Wong Dak Wah ruled that the wrongful rejection of the nomination papers of the petitioner, Parti Keadilan Rakyat's Danny Anthony Andipai, had breached the petitioner's constitutional right to take part in the election and the written law relating to the conduct of the election.

In his 36-page judgment, Wong said the decision of the deputy director of the Sabah Election Commission to accept Andipai's nomination papers was final and could not be overruled by the returning officer, Bubudan OT Majalu, under the pretext that there was an objection during the objection period.

The deputy director was exercising a power provided for by law in making the decision, said the judge who also ruled that Bubudan's decision to uphold the objection was a wrong decision.

"I find certain aspects of the second repondent's (Bubudan's) conduct troubling and when taken in its totality, I can only conclude that the decision made was definitely not one which a reasonable tribunal would come to," he said.

He made the observation when allowing Andipai's petition to nullify the election result of the Pensiangan seat which Kurup won unopposed on nomination day on Feb 24.

Andipai had named Kurup and Bubudan as respondents. The judgement was to have been delivered on Sept 17 but was brought forward on Monday.

Outlining what happened on nomination day, Wong said Andipai arrived at the nomination centre at the Nabawan District Council Hall at about 9.35am to file his nomination papers for the seat.

After paying the deposit of RM15,000 he waited his turn but when he tried to submit his nomination papers, Bubudan refused to accept them on the ground that he was late in submitting them.

Andipai argued that it was not his fault but that of Bubudan and his staff and having failed to convince Bubudan, he said that he would be lodging a police report.

However, while the discussion was going on, one of the assistant returning officers, Osman Aganduk, sought the advice of the state election commission which gave the directive to accept the nomination papers.

Wong said the directive, which came from the deputy director of the Election Commission of Sabah, was relayed to Bubudan who then accepted Andipai's nomination papers which were endorsed with the acceptance time of 10.25am.

Objections closed at 11am and at about 1.25pm, Bubudan announced that Kurup was returned unopposed and declared him duly elected on the ground that the nomination papers of Andipai and an independent candidate, Saineh Usau, were delivered after 10am.

Wong said it was clear from the provisions of the Election Act that returning officers like Bubudan were subject to the control, direction and supervision of the Election Commission (EC).

On whether regulations 6(2) and 6 (2A) (a) of the 1981 regulations prohibited Bubudan or the EC to allow receipt of nomination papers after 10am on nomination day, he said: "If I were to adopt the position of the respondents, it may lead to a chaotic situation".

"Take the situation at the nomination centre in this case. The nomination centre was used to cater for two state constituencies and a parlimentary constituency, where only one counter was open for all the candidates for the three constituencies to submit their nomination papers.

"There were 12 citizens of the land who wanted to be candidates in the 12th general election turning up to deliver their papers on nomination day and that number had in fact caused some confusion and dispute resulting in this election petition.

"What if 20 citizens turned up on that nomination day? Are we to say that only those who are able to submit their nomination papers before 10am are entitled to exercise their constitutional rights to contest in the election?

"If that is the law, it will lead to abuse and chaos, abuse in that one party can get a group of people to submit their nomination papers early to ensure that his or her opponent will not get to the returning officers before 10am," he said.

The judge also said he found it unbelievable that Bubudan did not know, as he had claimed, that coupons bearing numbers were given to the condidates on that day.

"If what he says is true, this only reflects his own shortcoming as the returing officer who had full charge of the nomination centre," he added.

Andipai's leading counsel, Ansari Abdullah, who is also Sabah PKR chief, said he was happy "that justice is done".

"It was not a moral way of conducting election. Our candidate came at 9.35am and his paper was rejected despite the advice of the Election Commission.

Asked whether Andipai would be given priority to contest the seat should there be a by-election, Ansari said the party leadership would make the final decision on the matter.

Kurup, who is Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister and Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah president, could not be reached for comment.

However, his leading counsel, Alex Decena, said Kurup could appeal the judgment.


KOTA KINABALU, March 13, 2009 (Bernama) -- The Federal Court here today overturned the Kota Kinabalu High Court's decision to nullify the election of Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) president Tan Sri Joseph Kurup to the Pensiangan parliamentary seat in the March 8 general election last year.

Kurup won the seat unopposed on nomination day after the returning officer rejected the nomination papers of Danny Anthony Andipai of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and another candidate.

He was subsequently appointed Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister. Andipai then petitioned to the election court to nullify the election result, naming Kurup and the returning officer, Bubudan OT Majalu, as respondents.

The Federal Court, comprising Appeal Court President Tan Sri Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, Chief Justice of Malaya Datuk Arifin Zakaria and Justice Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Abd Rahman heard submissions from both parties on Feb 12 and reserved judgment to today.

Nik Hashim delivered both judgments.

Nik Hashim held that there had not been any failure on the part of the Returning Officer (RO) to comply with the election laws. “Indeed, the RO had discharged his duties admirably well according to the law. Accordingly, we unanimously allow the appeal with costs here and in the court below. The deposit is to be returned to the appellant. The orders of the learned judge are set aside,” Nik Hashim ruled.

” The judge said that the requirement that nomination papers must be delivered between the hours of nine and ten in the morning was mandatory and “therefore, the RO was justified in upholding the objection and rejecting the respondent’s nomination papers for non-compliance with regulation 6(2)(b) of the Regulations”.

“While it is true that the Election Commission has the power of control and supervision over the conduct of the elections and that the RO is subject to the direction of the Election Commission under sections 5 and 4 of Act 19 respectively, nevertheless, such power and direction must be exercised according to the law,” added the judge.

“The directive of the deputy director of the Sabah Election Commission directing the RO to accept the respondent’s nomination papers outside the time frame was contrary to regulation 6(2)(b) and 6(2A0(a) of the Regulations and was thus unlawful.”

The court held that the learned judge of the Election Court was erroneous when he held that the power of the Election Commission overrides the Regulations.

“Nothing in the law provides for such a power. Besides, it is not within the purview of the Election Commission to effect any amendment to election regulations relating to the conduct of elections without due observation of section 16 of Act 19,” said the judge.

The court noted that although there were 12 citizens of the land who had wanted to contest the seat and only one counter was open at the nomination centre, nevertheless, “the responsibility for submitting the nomination papers to the RO within the time frame lies with the candidates”.

“No statutory duty is imposed on the RO to ensure that all nomination papers of all candidates present at the nomination centre must be accepted after the time frame,” the judge explained.

“So, in this case, the fault lies with the respondent for failing to deliver his nomination papers within the stipulated time to the RO.”

hamirdin says: This is a landmark judgement which can be weaponised by BN. It is very easy for BN to win an election unopposed. Just provide a single counter to process nomination papers, and cramp all nominations for a parliamentary seat as well as state assembly seats to just one counter. Next, process the nomination papers for BN candidates first, and take as long a time as you possibly can. By the time the turn for opposing candidates come, time is up. And yahoo, BN has won unopposed!

You want to test-fire this weapon at the 2 bukits and 1 batang by-elections?



IPOH: The memorial plaque at the base of Perak Pakatan Rakyat’s self-styled Democracy Tree has been removed by the city council.

Ipoh mayor Roshidi Hashim confirmed that the council had removed the black marble slab early Sunday morning as it was an obstruction in a public area under Section 46(1)(a) of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974.

”As far as we are concerned, the structure was illegally erected on a road reserve. We have given them plenty of time to remove the plaque,” he said.

He added the council later lodged a police report on the issue.

Asked why the notice was pinned on the tree and not served to any Pakatan representative, Roshidi said the council did not know who owned the plaque.

Also removed were five signposts marking Pakatans five saplings, named Transparency, Justice, Integrity, Trustworthiness and Welfare, which were planted nearby.

The saplings, like the Democracy Tree, were untouched.

The plaque commemorated Pakatan’s historic emergency state assembly on March 3 under the tree after its 28 assemblymen failed to gain entrance into the state secretariat.

Residents and tourists, flocked to the tree on Sunday to pose for photographs next to a gaping hole where a bulldozer had removed the plaque.

State DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming had told reporters that Pakatan would ignore the council’s notice as it had been served on the tree not to the coalition.

hamirdin says: It would be a great idea if the notice is ignored, then The Tree be served summons so that it has the chance to personally pay the fines, if any, or be brought to court, should it decides to ignore paying the fines.

[The Staronline; Sunday March 15, 2009 MYT 3:45:00 PM; Signboard for Pakatan's Democracry Tree removed]




Friday, 13 March 2009 18:42

It was another day of absurdity in the annals of the judiciary when Judicial Commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim, incomprehensibly ruled on 11 March 2009 to deny the Speaker of the Perak State Assembly his right of defence. His ridiculous decision has given the judiciary a bad name tarnishing its reputation and ruining its image.

On two previous occasions, on 3 and 5 March he had ruled that the Speaker could not have lawyers of his choice to represent him in the suit brought against him. And on 11 March, he ruled that the Speaker could not even act for himself.

His bewildering decisions have shocked and stunned the legal fraternity and the man in the street. These decisions went against the grain of natural justice. They were neither supported by legal precedents nor justified by logical reasoning.

Even the lay man is allowed to represent himself. No court has denied him this right to defend himself. Why then this exception in the case of the Speaker?

Justice has not been served by the following decisions of the judicial commissioner which are startling, confusing and baffling:

  • He has refused legal representation of the Speaker’s choice thus going against natural justice;
  • He has refused the Speaker the right to represent himself denying him his inalienable human right;
  • He has refused to allow the Speaker’s leading lawyer to hold a watching brief with speaking rights, thus refusing to hear the Speaker’s side of the case;
  • He has ruled that the Speaker is a public officer when the law does not support his contention;
  • He has issued an indefinite restraining order when he does not have the authority to do so;
  • He has decided to hear the case against the Speaker when the law does not allow him to do so under the Federal Constitution.
The many grave and glaring errors of the judicial commissioner have been very well argued by the former Court of Appeal judge, N H Chan, in his article ‘How to judge the judge’.

In view of the many discrepancies, Aliran urges the Chief Justice to declare a mistrial and dismiss the case in the interest of justice.

Alternatively, there must be a fresh trial presided by a senior judge who is well versed with the law and who understands the principles of justice.

P Ramakrishnan
President ALIRAN
13 March 2009