1. Ia diistil
2. Apabila didapati bersalah, maka tindakan disiplin UMNO dikenakan. Mereka tidak dikenakan atau diambil tindakan dengan undang undang negara. Sebab? semua mereka telah menuntut dan berjaya mendapat ilmu kebal
KUALA LUMPUR: Money politics exists in every party but in Umno it is practised more openly, says party supreme council member Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
“The difference between Umno and other parties is that it is done more openly in Umno. There are bound to be reports and complaints that point to money politics in an atmosphere like the upcoming general assembly,” he told reporters in Parliament yesterday.
He said that, while the party disciplinary board must root out members indulging in money politics, members must also ensure that their actions do not lead to the party’s downfall.[thestar online March 17, 2009]