Sunday, May 18, 2008



..............continued from part(3)

The Duniawi-Ukhrawi Paradox

Duniawi means worldly things and Ukhrawi means heavenly things things which are related to the world of the hereafter. One of the basic tenets of Islam is the existence of the world of the hereafter called akhirat. It is in this world of akhirat a person's deeds in the present world are evaluated and judged by Allah for his palcement in the eternal destination of either Jannah (heaven) or Jahannam/Nar (hell). Every single detail of a person's deeds in the present world will be uncovered and queried. Thus, whatever deed that is done in the present world has a bearing or will be accounted for in the world of the hereafter. Therefore what is done in this world is related to the world of the hereafter. In other words, the duniawi things, no mater how minue they are, are related to the ukhrawi matters.

This concept here has a very profound effect on every Muslim in the sense that it guides the Muslim's conduct of behaviour known an akhlak. A Muslim is always guided by the fac that whatever things that he does will be accounted for in the akhirat, be it done in public or in private. A Muslim will be constantly guided by halal/haram injuctions and by sin/reward reminders. It must be clearly understood that in Islam, the religion is not seperated from then wprldly life, in fact Islam guides every aspect of this worldly life of man, and at the same time gides jis heavenly life as well. In modern terminology there is no seperation of the state and the religion ascompared to the present Christian dogma of seperation state and church.

Islam does not bestow absolute power to man, it only delegates it. Absolute power is only in the hands of Allah. Thus the phrase

Give Unto God What is God's

Give Unto Ceaser What is Ceaser's

is non-existent in Islam, simply because he duniawi-ukhrawi paradox holds in every aspect of life. In the more important and complex undertakings such as governing a country, or bigger still, ruling the ummah, the guidence of the deen of Islam must be incessantly invoked. Without which, the true path, that is the Path of Allah is missed.


Woe to those

That deal in fraud

الَّذِينَإِذَااكْتَالُواْعَلَى النَّاسِيَسْتَوْفُونَ

Those who, when they

Have to receive by measure

From men, exact full measure


But when they have

To give by measure

Or weight to men

Give less than due


Do they not think

That they will be called

To account?


On a Mighty Day


A Day when (all) mankind

Will stand before

The Lords of the Worlds

كَلَّاإِنَّكِتَابَالفُجَّارِلَفِي سِجِّينٍ

Nay! Surely the Record

of the Wicked is

(Preserved) in Sijjin


And what will explain

To thee what Sijjin is


(There is) a Register

(Fully) inscribed


Woe, that Day, to tjhose

That deny


Those that deny

The Day of Judgement

وَمَايُكَذِّبُبِهِ إِلَّاكُلُّمُعْتَدٍأَثِيمٍ

And none can deny it

But the Transgrassor

Beyond bounds

The Sinner!

إِذَاتُتْلَىعَلَيْهِآيَاتُنَاقَالَ أَسَاطِيرُالْأَوَّلِينَ

When Our Signs are rehearsed

To him, he says,

"Tales of the Ancients!"

كَلَّابَلْ رَانَعَلَىقُلُوبِهِممَّا كَانُوايَكْسِبُونَ

By no means!

But on their hearts

is the stain of the (ill)

Which they do


Verily, from (the Light

Of) their Lord, that Day,

Will they be veiled


Further, they will enter

The Fire of Hell

ثُمَّيُقَالُهَذَاالَّذِيكُنتُم بِهِتُكَذِّبُونَ

Further, it will be said

To them: "This is

The (reality) which ye

Rejected as false

(Al Mutaffifin 83: 1-17)

The above surah (chapter) of the Al Qur'an clearly warns about the accountability of men inthe Day of Judgement, called the Mighty Day in this surah.Therefore it is clear now that in Islam, the duniawi undertakings as common as business dealings have the ukhrawi implications as unveiled by the verses above.

It is for this reason, the fatwa (religious decree) made by the ulamaks (the learned Islamic scholars) of the then government of the state of Kelantan in Malaysia prior to 1986 general election was a sad thing in Islam. It read: elections have no connection wih the world of the hereafter. be continued